Friday, September 23, 2011

Timelines, Open Graph, and Facebook Covers

As many of you know, Facebook has been up to a massive "face lift" these past weeks. We have noticed first the chat functionality at the sidebar in which others didn't like it though its pretty confusing at first but you'll get used to it. After that are the lists, more like a counterpart of Google+'s circles in which you can limit on how you can share your Facebook statuses, photos, etc. And now, new stuffs were added to your news feeds! It has this twitter-like updates at the right side of your browser in which it places all the comments your friends posted on people's walls, photos, pages, etc. Now I'm not really a fan of that, since I seldom post facebook statuses and only comment of friend conversations, implementing such kind of feature makes me reluctant to post. Well, It really depends on the topic you're up to :)

Anyway, this blog is actually created because in the coming weeks, Facebook will be implementing everything they've shown at the f8 conference. Timelines, facebook covers, real time serendipity, and all that I can't remember. It was pretty solid that Facebook has been changing a lot of features because I honestly thought that they really have to now that Google Plus is on it's beta stage where they say is the next social networking rival of Facebook. Now, this site will hopefully provide all of you a decent, nice, and I-can-be-proud-of-this kind of facebook covers in the future. Don't worry, I'll scour the internet to provide images that is not copyright protected so that we will not encounter any problems sooner. OR MAYBE, you can show off your level 10 photoshop mastery here and share it with our fellow reader! Yes?

Take care everyone :)

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